The slide show Mr. Haury mentioned can be found over to the right on the side bar under 'slide shows' you can also use this link :
The pictures are not great but the kids find them interesting. Feel free to download and print any that you like.

Also while you are here feel free to look around. The main posts deal with the races both before and after. Over on the side I have links to various sites of interest. Dyestat is probably the most looked at because they have an active chat area for local runners ( click on 'talk' and then scroll down to the wisconsin board). The 'let's run' site' is a good place for national news. Local meet results are on 'wisconsin runner'. I have pictures up for most races under the slide show heading. Finally, the books advertised from Amazon are all classics that I highly reccomend.
If you have any questions let me know in the comments.
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