Dear CC parents and fans,
The Shorewood boy's cross country team advanced to the 2005 Wisconsin State Meet at Ridges Golf Course in Wisconsin Rapids. The Greyhounds won the WIAA Sectional Championship with 36 points. Dennis Walsh navigated the course with a 1st place finish and a time of 16:27. David Salmon was 5th (17:01), Andrew Erickson 7th (17:05), Jake Haury 8th (17:09), Brian Valusek 15th (17:47), Douglas Stewart 16th (17:49) and Jon Bassen who finished in 34th place with a time of (18:34).
The top 2 teams advance to the State Meet, a list of results will follow.
I believe that we will see one of the closest Division 2 State Meet races ever this year. We will have to run OUR BEST TEAM RACE ON THAT GIVEN DAY!! Monroe and McFarland will be strong contenders, as will Catholic memorial and others, but I feel that we have a chance at a State title.
More info about the team departure on friday will be forth coming. In the mean time runners should feel happy but not satisfied. If you hear runners talking about a 3 peat help them to keep it in perspective. That is not the only goal in mind. They need to race the competition not the clock. There are too many variables that could effect our runners in achieving a certain time.
Anyhow, congrats to Jake and Douglas who I believe are the only 2 runners from Shorewood who have competed in 4 state meets in CC, and congrats to Jon Bassen who will be competing in his first state meet!
I would also like to send a BIG CONGRATS, to the girls team for winning their sectional race and qualifying for the WIAA State Meet. Nice job Claire Maduza on winning the individual race. Way to go Coach Kopplin!
1. 36 Shorewood ( 17:06 1:25:29)
1 1 Dennis Walsh 16:27
2 5 David Salmon 17:01
3 7 Andrew Erickson 17:05
4 8 Jake Haury 17:09
5 15 Brian Valusek 17:47
6 ( 16) Douglas Stewart 17:49
7 ( 34) Jon Bassen 18:34