Saturday marked the last time that our seniors will run on the parkside course unless they compete in the NTN festivities this fall or attend a college in the area. For most of them, I think that they are probably happy to relegate the opening hill to the history department where it will grow to epic proportions in the years to come.

The girl's had a very good day with a very young but talented team. The JV women placed 13th and showed good pack running. Bettany and Margo led the charge finishing around 19:40.

The varsity placed 12th overall and had a very tight spread between 1st and 7th. Colleen led the way in 17:03 followed closely by Morgan, Devin, and Chloe. A pair of very talented freshman (Jenny and Nora) followed in 17:55. And Laura finished close behind at 18:04. Good Job Ladies.

The boys have a number of good looking Freshmen as well. Gavin and Aidan ran well together at the front finishing around 19:40 and in the top 25. The JV team was 8th overall.

The varsity boys ran without Kevin again. Kevin is nursing an IT band injury and will most likely be cross training and not racing for at least another week. Without kevin they placed 3rd, with kevin they would easily have been 2nd but would have had no chance at 1st. In the past we have been either 1st or 2nd here so historically this team stacks up to some of the best that we have had at this early point in the season. Andrew took 3rd overall in his first race of the season. He ran 15 seconds
faster than his previous best on this course posting in at 16:45. He was followed closely by sophmore sensations Peter and Ben ( Ben has the black spikes). Peter took 50 seconds off of last weeks time finishing at 17:26; and Ben dropped 30 seconds to 17:27. Those
are huge times on a very tough course and bode well for the rest of the season. Brian V was next at 18:07. He looks to be getting his wind back. Brian has run in the low 17's and seems to be on track to get there again. Freshman flash Joe P. was next in 18:28. Like Sam D. in past years Joe was running with giants but held his own. Brian L. and John V. rounded out the scoring. If everyone stays healthy and Kevin makes it back this team has way more potential than anyone suspects. This is going to be a fun year.

I borrowed a camera for the event but it didn't handle the shadows very well so I don't have a lot of usable shots. There was a video made by the host school that is available for sale on the net. However I don't reccomend it. I have a very fast connection and it still took 50 minutes to download just one race. The image itself is very jumpy and could make you motion sick if you are prone to that ( ala Blair Witch). Finally it is basically 20 minutes of watching people run past the one mile mark, the two mile mark, and the finish.
Next up is Arrowhead !
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