Saturday, September 20, 2008

Punishing Practices Causes Marquette Melt Down?

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Perhaps Coach Dom decided to look past the Marquette Invitational as expressed by a very tough week of workouts and then the meet results. Only Coach knows for sure, but it seems like our boys, while disappointed, are focused on the road ahead and quickly put this meet behind them. In some respects, this seems to be classic for the team...takes the limelight off and now the team can focus on their long-term goal.

Whatever the cause, the team seemed to be fraught with challenges: Peter testing a pre-meet strategy of up-chucking five times, to Brendan's shin splits, to Ben not bothering to let coach know that he is working through a tough chest cold. Anyway, the boys had a long discussion with Dom after the meet and were upbeat enough to raid Culvers by mid-afternoon...knowing that they have a solid foundation to build off of for the second half of the season.

At least one huge PR I heard about - John Johnson improved his time by seveal minutes. Don't know exactly, but the boys were talking about it. Congrats to John!

Girls Have Tough Meet as Well....
Don't have the details, but believe the Marquette Invite was just about as punishing on the girls. Emily had another solid race placing third, followed by Morgan, Jenny, Chloe and Laura. That's the best I can do; if someone wants to send a summary, am happy to include in the blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John Johnson, not David Stern, had a huge PR.