Link to Map of Course:
Link to Schools and Individuals Qualifying for State
Link to WIAA Press Release Highlighting the Competition:
Link to Google Map Directions:,+Shorewood,+WI+53211+(Shorewood+High+School)&daddr=2311+Griffith+Ave,+Wisconsin+Rapids,+WI+54494+(Ridges+Golf+Course+%26+Supper+Club:+Pro+Shop)&hl=en&geocode=FY18kQIdi-zC-iGiE9vaLfmq4g%3BCRgYU68GUHLUFVDApAId6Myl-iFWh6Fq5gG4ZQ&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=43.74002,-88.845808&sspn=1.430715,2.460938&ie=UTF8&ll=43.687736,-88.843689&spn=1.431947,2.460938&z=9
Note that these directions suggest about 3.5 hours.
Saturday, November 1st
Ridges Golf Course, Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Follow signs for parking; there are shuttle buses between parking lots and the course. Plan on at least 20 minutes from time of parking to arrival to course. There are 8-10,000 fans attending so be sure to get there early!
Boys’ Competition
Division 3: 11:00 am
Division 2: 11:40 pm
Division 1: 12:20 pm
Girls Competition
Division 3: 1:00
Division 2: 1:40
Division 1: 2:20
Individual and team awards will be presented at Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School at 3:45 p.m. Trophy to championship and runner-up teams. Medals to members (7) of championship and runner-up teams and first six individuals.
Dom's Discourse....
Parking will not be allowed at the race site for spectators. There will be a number of shuttles that will transport you to the Golf course.
Boys: Best teams are Port Washington (4), Waukesha Catholic Memorial (5),Tomahawk (1) and Shorewood (2). Any of these teams could Win the State Title!!
THE RATINGS: Garbage!!!!
Here is the Shorewood Secret...........
All too often, fans and competitors equate success with advancing to the State Meet and failure with not advancing to the State Meet......this is ridiculous. Success is performing to the best of ones ability. For some teams, that might be a top ten finish.......for some individuals that might be a top 60 finish. The best team should win.(?????)........... If they don't..... obviously they're not the best team.
The Media has had way too much influence on the public perceptions of success and failure.......if it isn't a world record........if they don't win......if they don't lead the league....if they don't go to State, .....etc, etc.
When the season is over, there will be exactly one team and exactly one individual that didn't lose their last competition. It would be a sorry state of affairs if only one team and one individual had a 'successful' season. Rather, the successful team(individual) is the team(individual) that performs at close to their potential, whatever that might be. The MOST successful team (individual) is the team(individual) that is CLOSEST to that potential. That is our goal....and what ever that gives us will be what we deserve.
I won't be disclosing any individual 'predictions'.
Team-wise, the Boys should/could be in the top 4, with a shot at top 2......But there are 3 other teams that can say the same thing. We will try to control what we can control....our own performance(s). The top four teams are close enough so that all it will take to switch things around is an outstanding performance from any one individual on any one of those 4 teams. Watch the #5 runners from each of those 4 teams. The outcome of the team competition WILL NOT be determined at the front, but rather somewhere around 25th place, by someone's #5 runner. Who's 5th runner will prevail?? Not to mention the possible displacer!
Dominic Newman
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