Webb is of course the skinny kid from Reston Virginia who pegged the US high school mile record at 3:48 a few years ago. He will be running a mile in Scotland tonight and had this to say to a reporter yesterday:
"I tweaked my hamstring just after that 27:34 at Stanford, which is a fast 10k for a miler. A couple of days later I ran 20 x 400 with a minute interval. I started with 61-62s and finished at 57 seconds, so I knew I was fit, but then I found I was iron-deficient. So I've rested, and now I am not at my sharpest. I was only third in the 800 metres at the Scottish Championships, so I'm not in 3:48 shape, but I should still be able to go below four minutes on Thursday.
What caught my eye wasn't just the 20 quarters but the part about being iron deficient. It is really important to pay attention to what you are eating and how much you are sleeping when you run high mileage. You must listen to your body.
The keys to running your best are :
1. 8-10 hours of regular sleep every night. Get on a schedule and be consistant.
2. Hydration. Drink water all day long and then drink some more.
3. Nutrition. A good multi vitamin every day can cover a lot of bad habits
4. Bananas every day are the best way to keep your potassium supply stocked
Every world class runner when asked about their routine always starts by talking about how much sleep they get and then they talk about what they eat, and then they lie about how many miles they run.
Are you getting enough sleep?
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