Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Great season everyone

Now that cross country is officially over. I will be moving back to the track site.
There probably won't be anything new until January.

I will see if I can recover a version of the slide show that crashed just before the banquet. If I can I will put it on a disc and Andrew will have copies for anyone who is interested.


Claire finishes in top 50

Claire more than held her own at the national championships in Indiana last week.
Only one of Colorado's runners who scored in the women's race is a senior, and she was the fifth runner. Erin Marston finished in 165th and the other four runners were in the top 50. All of those runners have eligibility left.
Barringer is only a sophomore and Pasciuto a junior. Aislinn Ryan and Claire Maduza were highly touted freshmen coming into the program this year and showed they may live up to expectations. Ryan was 46th and Maduza 48th. Ryan was the seventh-best freshman and Maduza was the eighth-best.
The other two runners in Colorado's top seven, Emily Hanenburg and Hilary McClendon, are also freshmen.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

progressive dinner

The party has moved to the high school. I believe by the "s" room.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Party Time

Information for the team banquet

Date: Wednesday November 15th.

Time 6:00pm.

Place: SIS Commons.

Cost: $5 includes pizza and drinks,
athletes are free.

Send $ to Dennis at school, if possible
Pay at the door is OK, but
it's better in advance for planning purposes.

Families with last name A-K please bring a salad
L-Z please bring a dessert

Please plan to come if you can.

There will be a slide show at the end for those who can stay. If you have a particular picture that needs to be included please get it to Paul this week end.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A little video

Preps plus did another 30 second video spot on the boy's cross country team. They show Dennis and Kevin finishing as well as the celebration after the results were posted. However the spot comes at the 19:15 mark in the segment and there isn't a really good way to fast forward. However if you would like to see it the link is here:
Same link as last time, you want the clip from 11/04.
